Frugal Food
Blogging about feeding my family of six without spending a fortune. You won't find fancy foods like beef wellington or chicken carbonara (most of the time), but you will find really good food eaten by an actual real family, with real activities and really picky children.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Free food
Tonight was leftovers. Nothing exciting to report, except that eating leftovers a couple of times a month is like eating at a buffet (not an all-you-can-eat, but do we really need those?) for free. And when I present it like a buffet or restaurant night, the kids tend to be more accepting. Buffet night includes laying out all the leftovers in a long line on the buffet in the dining room and letting them walk along w/ their plates, picking & choosing like they would at a real buffet. Restaurant night involves me telling them the 'specials' (aka leftovers) and taking their leftovers. They love it when I get out one of my old aprons and actually write down their orders.

See! Leftovers don't have to be boring!
posted by Heather @ 7:25 PM  
  • At August 23, 2005 11:06 AM, Blogger Sue Ann said…

    MY grandmother taught me something similiar only she called it "garbage night" because if the food didn't get eaten it went to the garbage pail the next day. Still, it's good to be able to eat all of the food we as Americans have. We are a wasteful people.

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Name: Heather
Home: New York, United States
About Me: Mom to four kiddos. Love to cook, knit, crochet, read, and playing on the computer.
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