Frugal Food
Blogging about feeding my family of six without spending a fortune. You won't find fancy foods like beef wellington or chicken carbonara (most of the time), but you will find really good food eaten by an actual real family, with real activities and really picky children.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Bag lunches
I have been told by friends in various parts of the United States that our school lunch prices are extremely reasonable. And after looking at what they pay, anywhere from $2.50 to $1.50 for an elementary school lunch...I tend to agree.
Our kids do not qualify for free or reduced lunches. OD is in jr high school, her lunch costs $1.25/day. YD & OS are in two separate schools (one middle school, one elementary school) but get the same lunches every day and their cost is 90cents/day. YS goes to preschool twice a week, his lunches are included in his tuition ($86/month).
Even with this reasonable lunch price, our kids tend to bring a packed lunch from home more often than buying a school lunch. There are several reasons really. One, I can pack them a lunch for the same price or less than a school lunch costs. Two, there are only a couple of meals a month that they actually *like*. And three, no one needs to eat chicken nuggets, pizza, & tacos every single week! In other words, a home lunch is almost always healthier than what the school is providing.
So this morning, I sat down & calculated how much I spend packing my kids' lunches. I hadn't done this in a while, so it was an eye opener for me as well. Today they each took a turkey sandwich on white bread (I buy 3 loaves of bread at a time, 1 white, 2 whole wheat...just to keep them from rebelling...they prefer the white), a baggie of pretzels, a baggie of grapes, 2 sugar cookies, and a CapriSun drink box. Here's how it breaks down:
Pretzels 10c/serving
Bread 5c/serving
Turkey 16c/serving
grapes 50c/serving (ouch!)
cookies 7c/serving (store bought, reduced bakery section)
CapriSun 14c/each
Total per lunch: $1.02

Factor in the cost of the baggies (1c each) and it's probably closer to $1.05 (I wrap the sandwiches in saran wrap, they stay together better that way). I could have gotten it lower by sending them each with an apple from the reduced produce at 13c each, saving 37c/lunch instead of the grapes. But they like grapes, and like the white bread, I buy them even when they are not on sale to keep them happy. I try to get a lot of grapes when they go on sale for 99c/lb. But even $1.99/lb for red grapes is a good price here. And I probably could cut the cost of the cookies in half by making them at home, I just haven't been feeling that froggy lately lol. I could cut out the CapriSun completely & send them with water, but we drink water at dinner and again, the rebellion thing lol. I can only push them so far. And the CapriSun is cheaper than milk (25c) or juice (30c) at school. They get milk at breakfast, plus plenty of dairy & fruits as snacks so I don't worry about them drinking enough of milk or juice.
Then, because I was feeling froggy, I decided to figure out dh's lunches. Most of the time, I pack him a sandwich. Sometimes leftovers, if it's something he can eat cold. But the way his job is right now, he has no access to a fridge or a microwave, so it's almost always sandwiches. He takes a meat or some kind of salad (tuna, egg, chicken) sandwich & a diet caffeine free pepsi. I know he occassionally gets a bag of chips to eat w/ them throughout the week. But after seeing how little his lunch costs, I'm not going to fuss over chips!!
Today's lunch:
Kaiser roll - 21c/each
turkey (2 servings) - 32c
diet pepsi (bought in 6packs) - 33c each
Total per lunch: 86cents!

Even if you factor in a 99c bag of chips that lasts him 5 days that's just over a dollar a day for lunch. Not even the Dollar Menu at fast food places can compete with that :)
posted by Heather @ 6:51 AM  
  • At May 20, 2005 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your kids lunches are very cheap. Ours is 1.70 for the elementary. posted by the other KAREN :)

  • At August 16, 2006 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good job Heather! Both on the lunches and the work it takes in figuring it all out.

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Name: Heather
Home: New York, United States
About Me: Mom to four kiddos. Love to cook, knit, crochet, read, and playing on the computer.
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